- Casemate Type 623, Koudekerke, The Netherlands.
- Radio Transmitter Bunker, Spaandam, The Netherlands.
- Type 669 Heenschemolen, The Netherlands.
- R636 Fire Control Post, Lekrinckoucke/Zuidcoote, France.
- SK Observation Tower, Fliegerhorst, Belgium.
- Type 703, Emminkhuizen, The Netherlands.
- Type 583a / M 178. Fire Control Post. Heerenduin, Ijmuiden, The Netherlands.
- Dragon's Teeth Anti Tank Defence, Den Helder, The Netherlands.
This is Blog that have data As I Think. some of my Thoughts and some My experience and MY Subjects
Bunker Use in WW2
A Senior Journalist!
This is a Picture of a Journalist in Pakistan in front of Karachi Press Club.
i think i need not to explain this Picture.
we can Awake a Sleeping person. but how already wakp-up and not see!
i think i need not to explain this Picture.
we can Awake a Sleeping person. but how already wakp-up and not see!
Hassan Jalil
This is My Picture. Me and my Friend Tahir Waqar Visit River Chinab. make make alot of fun there and shoot some pictures. if you like it then comment it
Mohammad Tahir Waqar
Mister Tahir Waqar is very nice person and my friend. we both visit River Chinb Last day. but due to some problem date of Camera cant b change. so dont poke on Picture date. :)
How Write Marketing Emails
here some Tips
- Ask the 4 Key Questions: Before you begin to write, ask yourself these four key questions.
- What am I selling (at emotional level)?
- To whom am I selling?
- Why am I selling this now (will it make sense to the customer)?
- What do I want my reader to do (Calls to Action)?
- Consider Your Font Style: Sans-serif fonts, such as Arial, Verdana and Helvetica, are easier to read online than serif. If people find it difficult to read your copy, they won't!
- Read Your Copy Out Loud: This will help you hear what your readers hear.
- Cut the Clutter: William Zinsser wrote that "clutter is the disease of American writing." The quickest way to improve your copy is by removing any unnecessary words such as "that"or "to."
- Use the Rhythm of 3: List your examples in groups of three. The Rhythm gives a great cadence to your copy.
- Use Bucket Brigade Words: Bucket brigade words help you move your copy forward. They include remember, and, but, consider, however, for example..and more!
- Vary Sentence Length: It is important to vary your sentence length to hold your reader's attention. And don't be afraid to use sentence fragments - this isn't your college English class!
- Differentiate Between Features vs. Benefits: Features are what the product has. Benefits are what it will provide the customers. The customer will always ask, "What's in it for me?" Be sure you tell them.
- Write In the Second Person: Focus on one person (you/your) rather than a group (our customers). This makes your reader feel special and highlights how the product can benefit them.
- Write Less Copy: People read 25% slower online than offline, so you need to write less copy so they will read it.
- Don't Hide Your Key Points: Keep your most important points at the beginning of paragraphs, bullets and lists.
- Keep Paragraphs Short: Make sure your paragraphs are no more than 3 lines long. Otherwise you might lose your reader's attention.
- Remember Odd vs. Even: Odd numbers are easier to remember than even, so use an odd number whenever possible.
Screws Small Encyclopedia
Screws Small Encyclopedia
Sometimes You do not know, what screw you need to turn this piece of furniture. That is why this little encyclopedia was created.
Head Style
Drive Types
Washer Type
Nut Types
Hassan Jalil Thought Valentine day
Valentine is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines").
But As i Think We as Muslims need not to celebrate that day. "while reading this you may think i am also asking about that typically things and always Molvies says "valentine day is FITNA""..
i have some questions
Is one Day for expressing love is enough?
why there is a specific day for showing love?
Is we need specific days for our feelings?
Love is strong feelings, attitude,behavior or "feelings that u can explain batter then me".
when we feel love for someone Is we need a specific day or time for showing our love?
we need not for Specific one day.
because love need no time or limits. On the other hand is only one day is enough for disclosure or express our love to someone. Valentine make limit of love
That is not fair. As i think.
when we see Culturally we came to know that that is not our culture. that is things that we adopt affecting by other cultures. we have our own cultural system.
we are going damage our culture by mixing other cultures. we are very impress & press by others cultures. As i Think we are not satisfied by our cultural values or our culture is very weak.
because our thinking is very affected by others from there we are hiring culture.
On the other way in Islam we got every moment to show our love for others. think +
we do`t need to celebrate any Mother day, Teacher day,
Father day Etc
Becaues Islam force us to Respect you Mother, Father, Teacher or anyone who Elder or younger.
We are following the nation, that allow to sleep there Dog with them. but they abdicate their Parents to Old Homes. we need to be UNIQUE One.
There is no need for an essay to this topic.
In Islam, love is not haram but approaching it the unislamic way is haram. As such let me show you two Quranic verses that clearly tells us why this is unislamic.
* And come not near unto adultery. Lo! it is an abomination and an evil way. (The Holy Quran 17:32)
The clue here is to not even venture near an action or path that may make us commit this act.
* ”Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest…”
(The Holy Quran 24:30-31)
When looking at the opposite sex for anything other than Islamic reasons can be haram and forbidden, this sums it up with regards to intimacy and dating.
May Allah save all Muslims from the path of fornication and adultery and all other sins. Amin.
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