The Prophet(S.W.S) said,

"There is a piece of flash in our body that if it is sound then the whole body is sound and if it is corrupt, then the whole body is corrupt." 

The heart is the most extraordinary and miraculous gift given by God, in both the physical and spiritual sense. It effortlessly pumps without us even trying. It even starts to beat before Allah creates our central nervous system, which sends the signals in us now for our heart to beat. It’s a beautiful miracle. 

Allah calls the heart ‘Qalb’ in the quran, which literally means to turn around or flip. This word basically defines itself. 

What’s truly incredible is that the heart knows who its Creator is and does not beat without mentioning Allah’s name. Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day. How many times do you mention Allah’s name in a day? Allah's mercy on all living beings equally. So, we must be thankful to Allah for each blessings.

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