Virtual Assistant Part2

 In this blog I will share basic tools which we can use for product hunting on amazon. 

1. Merchant Words: A basic and very simple Tool we use for product hunting. By this tool we can check monthly sales volume. We can also search keywords.

2. Jungle Scout: This tool also helps us for product hunting but this tool helps us about our competitors. this tool tell us about sales volume of top competitors. it guide us about opportunity score also.  

3. Helium 10: This tool is very important and it has multiple aspects. Important tools of helium 10 is describes as:

Black box: This tool helps us about product research.

Trandster:  This tool tells about the trend of different products. 

Magnet: It helps about the search of product keywords.

Cerebro: It give the information about the keywords of top competitors. 

Frankstein: It presents the keywords in most refine way.

4.Virul Launch: This tool help us about the best niche. It suggests which product must be appropriate. 

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